Pedestrian impact : the effect of pedestrian motion on head contact forces with vehicle and ground.

Simms, C.K. & Wood, D.P.

There has been considerable development of car design to reduce pedestrian injury severity and thus the role of the ground impact in causing severehead injury has come to the fore. A Madymo model is used to examine the relative severity of the road and vehicle impacts and the effect of pedestrian motion before impact. Results show head impact locations on the vehicle are predictable but their severity varies with pre-impact stance. In contrast, head-ground impact is highly variable. The ground stiffness results in high contact forces, but the delta V for ground impact is less severe than the vehicle impacts, showing a higher momentum change in the latter. For the covering abstract see ITRD E134311.

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C 43368 (In: C 43328 CD-ROM) /80 /84 / ITRD E134351

In: Proceedings of the 2005 International IRCOBI Conference on the biomechanics of impact, Prague (Czech Republic), September 21-23, 2005, 4 p.

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