Pedestrian safety action plan : consultation paper.

Colin Buchannan Ltd.

This report sets out a Pedestrian Road Safety Action Plan for Ireland. It covers the period 2009 — 2012. The Action Plan is a requirement under Action 80 of the Road Safety Strategy 2007 — 2012. The issues identified, subsequent targets set, and 43 separate actions set out to address these have been informed by the results of an in-depth analysis of pedestrian collisions over the period January 1997 to December 2006, and are supported by research and best practice from countries in the European Union and beyond. All targets have been set against a 2004-2006 baseline, with completion in the year 2012. Where relevant, existing national targets on reducing fatalities and injuries have been adapted for pedestrian road users. This document seeks to obtain the input and views of a broad range of stakeholders on the enhancement of pedestrian safety on Irish roads through the development of a fully integrated Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. The Road Safety Authority wishes to hear from pedestrians, drivers, interest groups and others who may have views, advice and suggestions as to how policy can be developed so as to: • reduce the incidents of deaths and injuries to pedestrians • support the development of walking as a safe and viable means of mobility • attain and surpass international best practices in the area of pedestrian safety. The consultative process will commence on 17 April 2009 and last 8 weeks until 12 June 2009. (Author/publisher)

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20120124 [electronic version only]

Ballina, Road Safety Authority (RSA), 2009, 39 p.

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