Penalties and the drink/driver : a study of one thousand offenders. Volume 1: Main report.

Homel, R.

Personal characteristics, previous records, and subsequent convictions of 1000 drunk drivers convicted in New South Wales were analysed in 1972; subjects were followed for three years from their date of conviction or date of release from prison. All data were obtained from official government records. The study aim was to determine the impact of judicial penalties on the likelihood of repeat offences for drinking and driving or for other motoring-criminal offences. Based on a simple model of the sentencing process, offenders were classified as high, medium, or low entitlement for punishment and as having received a high, medium, or low severity penalty. Several groups of high-risk offenders were identified as reoffenders for drinking and driving regardless of the penalty they received. It is recommended that preventive approaches, such as mechanical devices on cars to prevent drunk drivers from operating them, and more intensive and specialised rehabilitation schemes be employed to deal with these persons. Driving disqualification periods up to 18 months in duration are recommended as a general measure to reduce the rate at which some offenders commit nondrinking-driving offences. Longer disqualification periods will probably not reduce the reconviction rate for drinking and driving. It is suggested that high-risk groups in the general public and among convicted drunk drivers are not likely to be positively affected by alcohol countermeasures like the breathalyser, random breath tests, and publicity campaigns.

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B 17289 /01 /

Sydney, NSW, New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, 1980, V + 141 p., 66 ref.

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