Perceived brightness as a function of duration of dark-adaptation.

Ekman, G. Hosman, J. & Berglund, U.

The increasing brightness of white light perceived at constant luminance in the course of dark-adaptation was measured by mean of a direct psychophysical scaling method. The same trend was for all 6 luminances levelled of the experiment. It could be characterized as composed of 2 functions, both growing at a decelerate rate and intersection at about 8 min. A further analysis revealed that the empirical trend could be represented by the sum of 2 logarithmic functions of time.

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8 + 5 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 537 T

Perceptual and Motor Skills, December 1966, p. 931-943.

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