Percezione e mantenimento di velocita' e di rotta di un veicolo in movimento = Perception and maintenance of speed and course of a moving vehicle.

Riemersma, J.B.J.

One of the major problems in modelling the driving task concerns the isolation of the relevant psychological processes and variables which constitute the driving task. This paper concerns with a particular subtask, viz. the maintenance of speed and direction on a straight road, a task that, however simple from the outside, contains all difficulties encountered in studying the driving task.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 7220 (In: B 7202) /83.2/91.1/ IRRD 211151

In: OECD Symposium on Road User Perception and Decision-Making, Rome, 13-15 November 1972, p. 327-338, 1 fig., 5 graph., 21 ref.

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