Perforierende Verlegzungen beider Augen durch splitterndes Scheibenglas

Friederich, H.

With reference to 8 cases, the author reports about the mode of origin, particular findings, management, clinical course and final condition in perforating injuries to both eyes which were brought about by shattering windshield glass. In all cases, only slight lesions to other parts of the body were present besides the severe ocular injuries and facial lacerations. The importance of safety-belts and of laminated windshield glass instead of tempered glass as well as the significance of prudent driving for the prevention or the diminution of the extent and the severity of such injuries are pointed out.

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A 5843 fo IRRD 56922

Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Vol. 153 (1968), p. 789-803

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