Performance of an advanced Anthropometric Test Device ATD thorax system in frontal crash environments.

Hagedorn, A.V. Haffner, M.P. & Schneider, L.W.

This paper describes the results of laboratory evaluation of an advanced Anthropometric Test Device (ATD) thorax system, denoted TAD-50M (Trauma Assessment Device, 50th percentile male). This has been integrated with Hybrid III lower and upper extremity, neck, and head components for testing. The evaluation programme consisted of pendulum, quasi-static thorax compress ion, and sled tests in a variety of restraint environments. Air bag, two-point belt/knee bolster, and three-point belt systems are included. TAD-50M thorax instrumentation included four internal thoracic displacement measurement assemblies. Two externally mounted chest bands were also utilized during sled tests. Baseline sled tests utilizing the Hybrid III ATD were also conducted, and are reported. (A)

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C 3388 (In: C 3357) /84 /91 / IRRD 871412

In: Proceedings of the 1992 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Verona, Italy, September 9-10-11, 1992, p. 399-410, 7 ref.

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