Performance-based specification for electronic work diary and heavy vehicle speed monitoring.

Koniditsiotis, C. Karl, C. Talko, S. Warner, W. Cai, D. & Dang, J.

This report provides the specification for an electronic work diary for fatigue monitoring and speed management. The report provides a background to the development of the specification, the philosophy and context of the current written work diary and proposed future environment for an electronic work diary before the specifications are presented. This report was originally delivered to Austroads in November 2009. It contains the full details of a device which meets the terms of the Austroads contract with TCA, and includes requirements for a sustainable telematics platform suitable for possible future extended regulatory use. In doing so, some requirements that add greater integrity to the system extend beyond the policy position being recommended by National Transport Commission (NTC). The Specification documents comprises of three specifications, (i) Specification for Electronic Work Diary and Heavy Vehicle Speed, (ii) NTC’s Position on EWD, and (iii) NTC’s Position on Heavy Vehicle Speed Monitoring. The differences between the NTC’s position and the Specified EWD are unresolved issues for consultation. (Author/publisher)

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20111347 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2011, X + 43 p. + app. [52 p.], 21 ref.; AUSTROADS Research Report AP-R386-11 - ISBN 978-1-921709-88-3

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