Performance characteristics of open-graded friction courses.

Smith, H.A.

The overall objective of this synthesis is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the use of OGFC (Open Graded Friction Courses) for wet-weather skid accident reduction on the nation's highways. This evaluation considers design and construction, performance benefits and limitations, maintenance and rehabilitation procedures and problems, and relationships with alternative procedures for providing highway pavement wet-weather friction characteristics. Accomplishment of the objective involved the collection and review of appropriate documents published since 1977; identification, collection and review of less formal sources of information such as unpublished reports of individual state experience; review of experience of other agencies outside the United States, particularly in European countries; and visits to and interviews with personnel of several state highway agencies in the northeastern and southeastern regions of the United States. The visits and interviews specifically included routine users of OGFC, as well as other states which have not used or have discontinued their use. Chapter two of the synthesis contains a summary of the information collected and reviewed, followed by chapters describing in more detail the literature review, an AASHTO survey conducted by the Subcommittee on Construction in 1988, and state visits and interviews. Chapter Six contains an overall critical evaluation of the information collected and reviewed, plus the identification of current questions and concerns about the use of OGFC. (Author/publisher)


C 9560 [electronic version only] /23 /31 / IRRD 893986

Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB, 1992, 44 p., 23 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP, Synthesis of Highway Practice ; Report 180 / NCHRP Project 20-5 FY 1988 (Topic 20-01) - ISSN 0547-5570 / ISBN 0-309-05306-4

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