Performance of helmets and contribution to the definition of the tolerances of the human head to impact.

Fayon, A. Tarrière, C. Walfisch, G. & Got, C.

Tests of free fall of fresh cadavers, wearing helmets or not, onto a rigid flat surface are described together with their results and compared with dropping of the heads of helmeted dummies falling in a similar way from the same heights together with dropping of metallic headfrom. The conclusions relate to human tolerance to lateral impacts of the head and the performances of the helmets.

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B 10427 (In: B 10402) /84/91/ IRRD 223149

In: Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting on Biomechanics of Injury to Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorcyclists (IRCOBI), Amsterdam, 7-8 September 1976, p. 291-300, 8 fig., 3 tab., 6 ref.

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