Performance Indicators of Winter Maintenance - Customer Point of View.

Lintila, J. & Hoyssa, M.

The Finnish National Road Administration (FinnRA) sets targets for wintermaintenance policy. These targets are enforced in winter maintenance contracts which are carried out by private contractors. FinnRA controls performance of winter maintenance contracts by technical measurements. Technicalmeasures and customer satisfaction surveys often do not correlate. It is proposed to utilize customer satisfaction to make the winter maintenance process more customer-driven. In Finnish national road administration (FinnRA) control measurements include the measuring of grip, snow depth and unevenness of the road during the wintertime. Customer satisfaction surveys are produced twice a year and they have been mainly used in strategic levelbut also to improve the maintenance process and products. There has arisen a need of measuring and using a customer satisfaction for other purposesalso. In FinnRA's Hame district, customer satisfaction was studied in more detail in six different small towns and suburbs in relation to summer and winter maintenance of low volume roads. It was found that the general information is not valid for other purposes excluding strategic decision making. The technical measures are not efficient enough to describe customer satisfaction. Their coverage is too narrow and there were no customer oriented limits for analyzing the data. Suggestions were made on how to improve the performance indicators and customer surveys in different tasks to get a customer point of view included in the operation. For the further development the study includes several suggestions. For example in maintenanceplanning it is essential to know the customer needs although the planningcan be performed according to technical measurement. It is suggested thatthe technical measurements will be classified according to customers' opinion with the help of a customer surveillance group. FinnRA is testing a bonus system in maintenance contracts. The study includes suggestions that help the procurement staff to plan the bonus system especially the customer survey part. The objective is to include customer point of view in everystep of the maintenance process and all the other processes as well. For the covering abstract see ITRD E143097.

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C 50173 (In: C 50149 CD-ROM) /10 /62 / ITRD E143128

In: Proceedings of the XIIth International Winter Road Congress held in Torino-Sestriere (Italy), March 2006, Pp.

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