Periodiek Regionaal Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid PROV 2001 resultaten samengevat.


This report presents a summary of the two report that discuss the 2001 Periodic Regional Survey on Road Safety (PROV). This is the ninth PROV in a series conducted annually from 1990 until 1995 and every two years from 1997 onwards. The PROV has been developed as a monitoring instrument, and the road users' self reported behaviour (including opinions and motives) has a central place in this research. The respondents for the 2001 PROV have been obtained by using a two-stage procedure. In the first stage a letter was sent to a randomly selected sample of approximately 85.000 households, evenly divided over the Dutch provinces. People were asked to indicate their willingness to participate in the survey by returning a response card. In the second stage of the procedure, a sample of 16.608 persons was drawn from this group. These people received the survey in January and February 2002. The questions refer to the respondents' traffic behaviour in 2001.The response rate was 64%. The topics included in this PROV are: traffic accidents, police surveillance, speed, driving under the influence of alcohol, aggression in traffic, calling while driving, safety belts, safe transportation of children, motorcyclists, moped riders, low speed moped riders (In Dutch: "snorfietsers"), cyclists, and traffic safety measures. For the complete reports, see C 25609 a+b.

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C 25610 [electronic version only]

Rotterdam, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV, 2002, 24 p.

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