Personality and risk-taking : common biosocial factors.

Zuckerman, M. & Kuhlman, D.M.

The first part of this article describes a study of the relationships between personality and risk-taking in 6 areas: drinking, drugs, sex, driving, smoking, and gambling. The participants, 260 college students, were given self-report measures of risky behaviours in each of the 6 areas and the Zuckerman-Kuhlman five-factor personality questionnaire. Generalised risk-taking (across all 6 areas) was related to scales for impulsive sensation seeking, aggression, and sociability, but not to scales for neuroticism or activity. Gender differences on risk-taking were mediated by differences in impulsive sensation seeking. The second part discusses biological traits associated with both risk-taking and personality, particularly sensation seeking, such as the D4 dopamine receptor gene, the enzyme monoamine oxidase, and augmenting or reducing of the cortical evoked potential. Comparative studies show relationships between biological markers shared with other species and correlated behaviours similar to sensation seeking in humans. A biosocial model of the traits underlying risk-taking is presented. (A)

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20010525 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of Personality, Vol. 68 (2000), No. 6 (December), p. 999-1029, 83 ref.

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