Personality correlates of convicted drivers.

Furnham, A. & Saipe, J.

This study examined the personality correlates of 20 convicted (16 men, 4 women) and 50 nonconvicted drivers (25 men, 25 women). Convictions were for offenses such as speeding or reckless driving, but not alcohol-related offenses. All subjects (aged 19-61 years) completed a Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (measuring risk taking on the road), a shortened Sensation Seeking Questionnaire (with 2 factors of Thrill Seeking and Boredom Susceptibility), and a shortened Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The convicted drivers attained high Psychoticism, low Neuroticism scores, as well as high Thrill and Boredom susceptibility scores. Convictions were positively correlated with high risk factor scores, which in turn correlated negatively with age, sex, and years driving. Accident rates correlated negatively with age. (A)

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C 9475 [electronic version only] /83 /

Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 14 (1993), No. 2 (February), p. 329-336, 19 ref.

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