Persoonskenmerken van ongevalsbetrokkenen en overtreders : relatie met gevaarherkenning, aandacht, hyperactiviteit, boosheid en empathie.

Groot-Mesken, J. de & Schagen, I.N.L.G. van

Personal characteristics of crash-involved drivers and offenders : relation with hazard perception, attention, hyperactivity, anger and empathy. This study investigated the relationship between some personal characteristics on the one hand, and crash involvement and offending behaviour on the other. The goal was to identify the personal characteristics that are most relevant for policy. Relevant for policy may mean that these characteristics are trainable, but it may also mean that personal differences are taken into account in policy measures. For example, the content of a programme could be tailored to a specific target group. Starting point was that there are people who are involved in crashes more often than others and/or commit more offences than others and that these people can be influenced better through targeted measures, that take into account the personal characteristics.


C 51228 [electronic version only]

Den Haag, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2014, 49 p., 49 ref.; R-2014-11


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