Perspectiefwisseling in de rijopleiding om de interactie tussen vrachtauto’s en personenauto’s te verbeteren : mogelijke trainingsvormen en advies over de evaluatie van een pilottraining.

Vlakveld, W.P. & Hoekstra, A.T.G.

The use of perspective taking in the driver training to improve the interaction between lorries and passenger cars : possible training variants and advice on the evaluation of a pilot training. Commissioned by the Dutch Employers Organisation on Transport and Logistics TLN, SWOV investigated the possibilities of a lesson that aims to make novice drivers more aware of the driving characteristics of lorries and the driving task of lorry drivers. Such a lesson is intended to be included in the basic driver training so that future drivers will behave more safely in the vicinity of lorries and are more willing to take account of the interests of lorry drivers. TLN preferred a lesson that would take place in a lorry but lessons not including a lorry should also be considered. Finally, TLN wanted to know how a possible pilot training could be evaluated.


C 51055 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2012, 73 p., 79 ref.; R-2012-16


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