Perspective on our national air transportation system : past, present, and future.

McKelvey, F.X.

This presentation contains a discussion of the reconfiguration of the route structure and growth of the U.S. air transportation system from 1970 to 2000. It highlights the evolution and importance of the regional airline industry in providing feeder service to hub airports and service to small- and medium-sized communities. It discusses the expected growth of the demand for air transportation during the period 2001 to 2011. It reviews the situation with respect to airport delay and the factors contributing to these delays and discusses the impact of both demand and capacity changes on airport delay. It contains an indication of recent initiatives to address airport terminal planning issues related to level of service. Finally, it presents a review of aviation security and the implications of the events of September 11 on the airlines and passengers.

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C 27348 (In: C 27347 S [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E820166

In: Aviation : airport and air traffic economic and operational issues, Transportation Research Record TRR 1788, p. 5-10, 11 ref.

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