A photogrammetric system for registration of fast three-dimensional movements in laboratory crash tests.

Kullgren, A. Lie, A. & Tingvall, C.

This paper develops a method using single or multi frame video photography and active targets (1000Hz). This development takes place during a test series for the evaluation of child restraint side-impact protection systems. The flashing targets make high time resolution possible from relatively low time resolving video sources. The main advantage of this system is that is easy to use, and gives both acceptable measuring accuracy (about 0.2 % of field of view) and short time for evaluation. The system concept based on standard equipment has a relatively low cost, overall and per observation point. The paper presents the result from this development, and descriptions of the equipment, test designs, and working procedures. The paper discusses some possibilities and disadvantages, together with lines for further development.

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C 3369 (In: C 3357) /91 / IRRD 871393

In: Proceedings of the 1992 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Verona, Italy, September 9-10-11, 1992, p. 143-152, 12 ref.

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