Physician's guide to assessing and counseling older drivers.

Wang, C.C. Kosinski, C.J. Schwartzberg, J.S. & Shanklin, A.V.

As the number of older drivers rises, patients and their families will increasingly turn to physicians for guidance on safe driving. Physicians will have the challenge of balancing their patients' safety against their transportation needs. This guide is intended to help the physician answer the questions, "Is my patient safe to drive?" and "What can I do to help my patient drive more safely?" To these ends, the authors have reviewed the scientific literature and collaborated with clinicians and experts in this field to produce the following two physician tools: (1) An office-based assessment of medical fitness to drive. This assessment is outlined in the algorithm, Physician's Plan for Older Drivers' Safety (PPODS), found later in chapter 1 on page 19 (see Figure 1.1). (2) A reference list of medical conditions and medications that may impair driving, with specific recommendations for each one. This list can be found in Chapter 9. In addition to these tools, the authors also present the following resources: (1) Information to help the physician navigate the legal and ethical issues regarding patient driving safety and patient reporting. This information can be found in Chapter 7. (2) A state-by-state list of licensing criteria, license renewal criteria, reporting laws, and DMV contact information. This information can be found in Chapter 8. (3) Recommended Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for assessment and counselling procedures. These codes can be found in Appendix A. (4) Handouts for patients and their family members. These handouts, which are found in Appendix B, include a self-assessment of driving safety, safe driving tips, suggested driving alternatives, and a resource sheet for concerned family members. (Author/publisher) For the CD-ROM version of this report see C 28666 CD-ROM.

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C 25998 [electronic version only]

Chicago, IL, American Medical Association (AMA), 2003, 226 p., 146 ref.; DOT HS 809 647 - ISBN 1-57947-558-2

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