Piepschuim PS-hardschuim als goedkoop ophoogmateriaal.

Polen, B.

PS hardfoam (polystyrene) is an expansive material in itself, however, this is offset by its low weight. This article compares the properties and costs of various fill materials. A table is provided to illustrate such comparisons. It appears that in a number of cases PS hardfoam offers an inexpensive solution for engineering projects involving earthworks or embankments. The validity of the arguments used in the study should be discussed.

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C 3303 (In: C 3292 S) /30 /51 / IRRD 824385

In: Wegbouwkundige werkdagen 1988, Ede, 26 en 27 mei 1988, Deel 3: Stroom III : alternatief en (her) gebruik & bijzondere onderwerpen, 8 p.

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