Pilot plans. TRAINER (System for Driver Training and Assessment using Interactive Evaluation Tools and Reliable Methodologies), Deliverable 6.1.

Falkmer, T. & Gregersen, N.P.

Most of the characteristics of young novice drivers that contribute to the high probability of being involved in an accident stem from two crucial factors that are difficult to separate; experience and age. Young drivers’ accidents are typically single vehicle accidents and are often preceded by risky driving. Young drivers are not over-represented in alcohol accidents. In comparison with older drivers they are even under-represented. Exception to these findings is the weekend-nights in which the young drivers tend to be over-represented. Young drivers are often characterised by driving too fast for prevailing conditions. This may also account for the high proportion of accidents in curves, and single accidents. Young drivers are more often involved in the more serious accidents, partly because of the presence of many passengers. Furthermore young drivers drive more often with inappropriate speeds. Speed is directly related to the seriousness of the accident. Various sources in the literature emphasise the fact that learning manoeuvring skills does not contribute to safe driving and reducing accident rates of novice drivers. There is evidence that young drivers can have superior vehicle handling skills and still have many crashes. It is suggested that teaching safe driving strategies and training recognition of hazards and of higher order skills will be promising in reaching the aim of lower accident rates with novice drivers. The GADGET-matrix is based on the assumption that the driving task may be described as an hierarchy. The idea of the hierarchical approach is that abilities and preconditions in a higher level influence the demand and preconditions on a lower level. The hierarchy is developed by Keskinen and shows many similarities with the Michon hierarchy. The most important difference is the addition of a fourth level relating to personal preconditions and ambitions in life in general, which have shown to be of great importance for driving and road safety. The main purpose of the TRAINER project is to develop a new cost-effective Pan-European driver training methodology, based on computer based interactive multimedia and simulator technology, which will pay significant attention not only to gain experience of driving and handling the car, but also to the enhancement of risk awareness of learners drivers. (Author/publisher)

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20062500 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels, Commission of the European Communities, Competitive and Sustainable Growth (GROWTH) Programme], 2002, 58 p., 83 ref.; GRD1-1999-10024

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