Pilotstudie verkeersveiligheidsfinanciering en -beleid : veranderde patronen in twee provincies en twee daarin liggende gemeenten.

Jagtman, H.M. Wijnen, W. & Bax, C.A.

Pilot study into road safety financing and policy; Changed patterns in two Dutch provinces and two municipalities in those provinces. This report discusses a pilot study of a research project into the changing patterns in the financing of road safety and in road safety policy. The study is intended to provide insight into the financing of and policy decisions about road safety, and particularly into the changes that have occurred since the introduction in the Netherlands of the broad goal-oriented grant for traffic and transport (BDU). The BDU replaced the earlier compiled goal-oriented grant (GDU). The introduction of the BDU increased the spending freedom of regional governments in relation with traffic and transport. The termination of specific subsidies for investments in Sustainable Safety has also increased the spending freedom. The study addresses two questions: (1) How do regional governments make considerations between investments in different areas and have there been changes since the introduction of the BDU? (2) How much do lower governments spend on road safety and what changes have occurred as a result of the introduction of the BDU?


C 50313 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2010, 85 p., 47 ref.; R-2010-33


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