The place of the driver in road safety : proceedings of a Seminar held in Newcastle, Australia, April 2, 1982.

Hill, J. (ed.) Holloway, R. Bush, R. Milne, P. Wolski, J. Polglaze, R. Scully, R. Homel, R. Herbert, D.C. Sutton, J. & Saffron, D.

The seminar was organized by the University of Newcastle Department of Community Programmes and the National Roads’ and Motorists' Association. The following papers werepresented: Enforcement Strategy (Holloway, R) Intervention and Some Suggestions for Future Directions (Bush, F); The Development and Evaluation of an Effective Road Safety Campaign (Milne, P. Wolski, J Polglaze, P. and Scully, R) The Place of the Driver in Road safety (Homel, R.) Driver Training and Road Safety (Herbert, DC) Evaluation of the NSW Drink Driver Diversion Programme (Sutton, J) Driver Attitudes, Motivation and Behaviour (Saffron, D)

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B 23929 /83/ IRRD 255586

Newcastle, University of Newcastle, 1982, 137 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.

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