Planificación e implementación de la Seguridad Sostenible en Holanda = Planning and implementation of Sustainable Safety in The Netherlands.

Wegman, F.C.M. Aarts, L.T. & Bax, C.A.

From the early 1990s Holland has been developing a concept of sustainable road safety to tackle the risks Inherent to mobility. Subsequent to introducing the sustainable safety concept in 1992, a series of steps were taken to apply measures in line with the Dutch concept. The most important step was probably the Sustainable Safety Introduction Programme, a Government Pact on 24 agreements at all three government levels - national, regional and local. This Pact particularly promoted the implementation of sustainably safe roads (mainly in residential areas and secondary rural roads). A decade later, this implementation was assessed to determine any possible adaptations required for the future. This article describes the experiences, assessment and ideas relative to application of the sustainable safety concept in The Netherlands. (Author/publisher)

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20081094 ST [electronic version only]

Carreteras, (2008), No. 160 (Julio/Agosto), p. 50-66, 34 ref.


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