Planning for the bicycle.

Ghd Transportation Consultants Pty Ltd

The purpose of this bulletin is to describe the planning method for the preparation of the engineering component of bicycle transportation systems with the view of providing assistance and guidance to local government authorities. The planning method presented in this document is by and large for the development of a bicycle engineering strategy for an existing metropolis or a large provincial city. However, the method can be modified and tailored to suit most urban situations. In this regard, chapter 8 describes the principle factors that should be considered for the preparation of a bikeway system for a small municipality or town. The specific aims are: 1) to identify factors that influence the level of bicycle usage, 2) to provide details of the background philosophy and approach to bicycle planning, 3) to detail the current planning methodology to prepare a comprehensive bicycle engineering strategy, 4) to describe measures to improve the cycling environment within existing residential precincts, and 5) to describe how the bicycle can be provided for in the design of new residential areas. Chapter 7 of this bulletin i.e. "Guidelines for improving local traffic areas for cyclists" was prepared by loder and bayly.

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C 12670 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 255587

Roseberry, NSW, Traffic Authority of New South Wales RTA, 1982, VIII + 44 p., 7 ref. - ISBN 0-7240-7776-6

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