Planning a new street car line for downtown Orlando.

Pleasant, D.C. & Charlier, J.F.

This paper describes the Orlando Street Car Project (OSCAR), which is being planned as a new light rail transit (LRT) circulator in the rapidly developing downtown urban area of Orlando, FL, USA. OSCAR's objectives include: (1) developing a high-capacity multi-modal transport system; (2) improving the downtown and regional transport environments; and (3) enhancing the downtown pedestrian environment. The public transport alternatives considered were: (1) `TSM', an expansion of the existing Free*Bee bus service; (2) `Best Bus', to test the benefits of rubber-tyred buses in a maximum-performance scenario; (3) trolleybuses in mixed traffic; (4) trolleybuses in a separate corridor; (5) trolleybuses in a separate lane; and (6) trolleybuses in a wide pedestrian space. Other urban transport facilities considered were: (1) on-street parking; (2) pedestrian sidewalks and crosswalks; (3) cycle lanes; (4) motor vehicle lanes; (5) transit lanes; (6) transit boarding areas and platforms; (7) street furniture; and (8) landscaping of streets. The OSCAR project has now completed its analysis of alternatives, and published its draft environmental assessment, for public review and comment. The locally preferred alternative is a `Best Rail' scheme.

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C 6216 (In: C 6202) /72 / IRRD 869980

In: Compendium of technical papers presented at the 63rd annual Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 19-22, 1993, p. 71-75

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