Planning of roads in the developing countries from the aspect of Yugoslav experience.

Mancevski, N.

The socio-economic development of a great number of developing countries is limited by the development of the road transport. The road transport is the only mode of transport completely satisfying all needs and, at the same time, it is an indispensable element for supplementing the transport process of other modes of transport. In principle all countries of the world, pass through identical or similar phases in the development of thfe road network, i.e. in the road transport. Therefore, an exchange of acquired experiences and passing of knowledge among developing countries is necessary.

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B 20751 (In: B 20729) /10/21/ IRRD 257224

In: Roads into the future : documentation 9th IRF World Meeting, Stockholm, June 1-5, 1981, Session TS-2, p. 267-284.

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