Planning roadside safety improvement programs.

Wright, P.H. & Robertson, L.S.

Since the early 1960's, highway engineers have become increasingly aware of fixed object hazards that border U.S. Highways, and more than 1500 roadside safety improvement projects have been undertaken. In 1974 a study was undertaken with the goal of developing priorities for the improvement of roadway geometric features and roadsides for safety in Georgia. In this research roadside analyses for 300 additional locations are reported.

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B 18628 (In: B 18601 [electronic version only]) /82/85/ IRRD 254488

In: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine AAAM, Louisville, Kentucky, October 4-6, 1979, p. 294-309, 3 fig., 5 graph., 4 tab., 3 ref.

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