A platoon dispersion concept for critical block length for coordinated traffic signal design.

Lin, L.-T. Tsao, S.-M. & Su, J.-M.

This paper considers some effects of platoon size and degree of dispersion on dispersion distance for progressive traffic movements through coordinated traffic signals, and establishes a mathematical relationship for determining a critical block length for signal grouping. It reviews previous literature, and then develops a mathematical model. To develop qualitative and quantitative definitions of a platoon, a methodology must be derived for calculating the vehicular headway limit of a platoon for multi-lane approaches. To test the model, field observations were conducted along a four-lane urban main road in Taipei, Taiwan; 236 platoons of variable size were observed. A regression analysis was applied to the data collected about these platoons. The critical length for signal coordination was estimated as a linear function of original platoon size and platoon completeness ratios, increasing with the former variable and decreasing with the latter. Thus, for a given platoon completeness ratio, critical block lengths on heavily travelled main roads would be longer than those with relatively light traffic.

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C 6286 (In: C 6202) /73 / IRRD 870050

In: Compendium of technical papers presented at the 63rd annual Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 19-22, 1993, p. 478-482, 8 ref.

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