Platoon- en afrijtijden metingen bij verkeerslichten in steden.

Klijnhout, J.J. W.M. Nawijn & D. Westland.

The application of simulation methods with the aid of a calculator is very much in favor for solving "green-wave" problems. The lack of knowledge of traffic behaviour is a handicap for simulator. In this connection the knowledge of driving off times and the platoon diffusion are of importance. The measuring results obtained by the authors are compared with those known from literature. For the completion of the research into the platoon behaviour still more measurements will have to be made.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 4610 T IRRD 49976

Verkeerstechnik, Vol. 20 (1969), No. 10 (oktober), p. 482-7

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