PLEASE BE SEATED : increasing the use of child safety seats in Virginia through citizen involvement and targeted educational efforts.

Kern, K.C.

PLEASE BE SEATED is a statewide citizen involvement program in Virginia designed to educate motorists who allow children under the age of four to ride without the protection of a child safety seat in their vehicle. The program relies on the efforts of participants who are actively concerned about preventable injury and death in motor vehicle accidents to young children. PLEASE BE SEATED is strictly an educational program. Records are not maintained for identification of alleged violators, nor is identification information shared with any other agency. (A)

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C 4784 (In: C 4751 [electronic version only]) /73 /91 / IRRD 880106

In: Proceedings of the child occupant protection symposium, San Antonio, Texas, November 7-8, 1993, p. 303

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