Police data, uses and access for councils and links to highway patrol taskings.

New South Wales Police Service

New South Wales Police have increasingly been relying on intelligence to determine their daily duties or "taskings". This trend has been particularly evident in the area of traffic enforcement. In addition to local knowledge and special events planning, local highway patrols have access to specialised information from the Traffic Research and Intelligence Unit of Traffic Services Branch. This information is specifically aimed at operational police and is used by local police to assist in formulating taskings. Working closely with their highway patrol provides local government road safety officers with a conduit to local taskings and traffic intelligence. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract No. E208290.

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C 27226 (In: C 27215 CD-ROM) /73 /83 / ITRD E208301

In: Building on success - making new gains : proceedings of the 6th Local Government Road Safety Conference, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 6-9 August, 2002, 7 p.

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