Police Enforcement Policy and Programmes on European Roads (PEPPER). Deliverable 10: Implications of innovative technology for the key areas in traffic safety : speed, drink driving and restraint systems.

Grunnan, T. Vaa, T. Ulleberg, P. Malenstein, J. Zaidel, D. Kauvo, K. Koskinen, K. Stefan, C. Almqvist, S. Tindall, D.W. & Vermaat, P.

The aim of this Deliverable is to capture the implications of state of the art technology and new technology developments that potentially may affect future Traffic Law Enforcement (TLE) in the EU. The efficiency of existing enforcement methods and implications of innovative technologies with respect to offences that are perceived as highly involved in causing accidents, such as speeding, drink driving, and the use of restraint systems are evaluated. Where applicable, some information on other systems for traffic law enforcement systems are added (e.g. black box and drowsiness detection- and warning systems). The systems are divided into two different categories, active and passive enforcement, and the document comprises of a short presentation of the system itself and the main implications of the system. The methodology used consists of two parts: a system description of active and passive enforcement systems and a risk evaluation on the introduction of these systems. Both enforcement methodologies described are captured in two annexes at the end of this document as a result of a risk analysis on the issues listed in the matrix. In relation to the introduction of new technology for traffic law enforcement, the main implication for pan EU implementation, the need for a pan European type approval mechanism is described. (Author/publisher) For the project website, and other reports, see http://www.vtt.fi/sites/pepper/

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20080976 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN)], 2008, 123 p., ref.; Contract No. 019744

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