Police Enforcement Policy and Programmes on European Roads (PEPPER). Deliverable 4a: Good practice in data, data collection and data use for monitoring and evaluating Traffic Law Enforcement.

Schagen, I.N.L.G. Bernhoft, I.M. Erke, A. Ewert, U. Kallberg, V.-P. & Skladana, P.

This report is the Deliverable of task 4.3a of the PEPPER project. It describes the good practice requirements regarding data, data collection and data use for monitoring and evaluating Traffic Law Enforcement (TLE). The aim is that, eventually, individual police forces/countries put the identified 'good practice' data into a European TLE monitoring database which would allow police forces/countries to learn from the experiences of others; which would allow the EC to monitor/compare the TLE effort and effectiveness in different Member States; which would allow road safety researchers to assess the effects of TLE on a large scale. Based on the literature and theoretical analyses, the Deliverable presents good practice for data, data collection and data storage to monitor enforcement activities (Enforcement Performance Indicators), to monitor behavioural effects (Safety Performance Indicators) and to monitor effects on accidents and accident severity. In addition, the Deliverable discusses the use of these data for cost-benefit and cost- utility analyses, and for effect evaluations. It focuses on the three main areas of PEPPER: drink driving, speeding and seat belt use. (Author/publisher) For the project website, and other reports, see http://www.vtt.fi/sites/pepper/

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20080714 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN)], 2008, 97 p., ref.; Contract No. 019744


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