Police Enforcement Policy and Programmes on European Roads (PEPPER). Deliverable 6: Comparison and analysis of traffic enforcement chains across EU member states and in relation to EU policies.

Larsen, L. Vavakos, V. & Zaidel, D.

The aim of this deliverable is to describe and compare Traffic Law Enforcement systems in the Member States. Focus is on: speeding, drink driving and non use of seat belts. Data were primarily collected by questionnaires. The main results show that most countries have more or less explicit Traffic Law Enforcement plans with focus on the three areas included. Action plans are often very generic and data about actual implementation are scarce. Speed limits as well as BAC limits vary between the countries. Random breath testing through alcoholmeters is commonly applied, while blood testing is used as a complementary when the legal evidence is needed for a court. Seat belt use is in general obligatory for all persons, but far from all the countries have consistent enforcement of this measure. In all three areas, violation and sanction data are most frequently collected, while data collection on violations by foreign drivers is rather sparse. Publicity campaigns appear to be carried out to various degrees, but the combination of enforcement and campaigns is not always given priority. Mostly, cross border enforcement is only practiced to a limited degree. (Author/publisher) For the project website, and other reports, see http://www.vtt.fi/sites/pepper/

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20080979 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN)], 2008, 87 p., 13 ref.; Contract No. 019744

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