Police Enforcement Policy and Programmes on European Roads (PEPPER). Workpackage WP2 `Model for an enforcement data collection system and associated pilots', Working paper 1: Review of main conclusions of completed relevant projects.

Akkermans, L. & Orozova-Bekkevold, I.

Working Paper 1 of the PEPPER project contains a review of the main conclusions and findings of completed and ongoing projects that are related to law enforcement and traffic law enforcement as well as a preliminary list of variables and indicators that can be used to assess Traffic Law Enforcement (TLE) efficiency for the key fields of speeding, drink driving and the use of restraints in vehicles. The objectives of this paper are the presentation of relevant information concerning Law Enforcement from both the EC Recommendations of October 21st, 2003 on enforcement in the field of road safety as well as literature regarding traffic safety and other fields of interest, the identification of groups of stakeholders in the field of TLE and an overview of variables and indicators that could be used to assess TLEefficiency. A literature review was performed on literature available from both past and present EU projects as well as literature from other institutions that are linked with law enforcement. The findings are that an extensive amount of literature is available and can be combined in a large questionnaire. The practical usability of such a questionnaire was questioned however and slimming down needs to be considered. (Author/publisher) For the project website, and other reports, see http://www.vtt.fi/sites/pepper/

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C 39427 [electronic version only]

[Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN)], 2007, 83 p., 78 ref.; Contract No. 019744

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