Policy making and implementation in Switzerland.

Bonanomi, L. & Sauter, D.

This paper reviews the current situation in Switzerland in policy to encourage pedestrian mobility. It describes the levels of government - federal, cantonal and municipal - with their responsibilities, and describes the use of popular initiative and optional referendum in policy making. Goals and current policies in transport, environment and land planning are outlined, including sustainability, improving infrastructure, promoting walking and cycling at the national level, and investing in public transport; laws on environment protection and land planning encourage consideration of the environment in transport issues. There is only limited funding for non-car initiatives although plenty of revenue is generated for motorised transport. Support at administrative levels for pedestrian issues comes from committed individuals or organisations, and research projects tend to be related to motor traffic; although there are traffic safety organisations, pedestrian and bicycle organisations and a car-sharing company. Policy tends to focus on long-distance travel rather than local mobility, and policy improvements to counteract this are suggested. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118896.

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C 26766 (In: C 26763) /10 /72 / ITRD E118899

In: COST Action C6 - A city for pedestrians : policy-making and implementation - final report, 2003, p. 39-52, 7 ref.

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