Political and policy issues related to demand responsive transportation (DRT). II.

Orski, K.

The paper focuses on the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) on DRT, and discusses some of the policy implications. The future of community paratransit service, characterized by the flexible routing and scheduling of small vehicles to provide shared-occupancy, door-to-door, personalized transportation service within smaller neighbourhoods is virtually assured. However, the biggest scope for the future expansion of paratransit lies in its becoming an element of integrated metropolitan transportation systems.

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B 11091 (In: B 10961 S) /72/ IRRD 219273.

In: Demand-responsive transportation systems and services : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Demand-Responsive Transportation Systems, Oakland, California, November 11 - 13, 1974, TRB Special Report No. 154, p. 162-165.

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