Positie en voorrangsregeling van fietsers en bromfietsers op rotondes "nieuwe stijl" : theoretische inventarisatie en evaluatie. In opdracht van de Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV.

Veling, I.H. & Vos, M.A.

A theoretical stock taking and evaluation has been made of different variants of roundabouts in view of the traffic safety of cyclists and moped riders on roundabouts. This study regards the "new style" roundabouts on which the motorized traffic on the roundabout has priority. In the first part of the study aspects of traffic engineering of the roundabout- variants are inventorised and on the basis of a task analysis of cyclists and moped riders criteria for traffic safety are developed. In the second part a number of roundabout- variants are put to the test of these criteria.

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B 28293 /21 /73 /82 / IRRD 820576

Veenendaal, Traffic Test, 1988, 52 p., 27 ref.; TT 88-22

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