The position adopted by the insurance industry towards prevention of road traffic accidents.

Mestral, E. De

The author examines the aim of insurance and the threefold approach currently being adopted by insurers in the majority of European countries: (1) insurers can act on rating in the light of the subjective risk represented by a given driver (bonus or malus); (2) funding by the insurance industry or organizations specializing in accident prevention; and (3) European insurers meet regularly in Paris in the Comité Européen des Assurances which has an Accident Prevention and Road Safety Subcommittee, the main activities of which are: listing proposals or accomplishments in Europe; coordinating information; and making concrete suggestions.

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C 603 (In: C 571) /80 /10 / IRRD 810485

In: Young drivers impaired by alcohol and other drugs : proceedings of a symposium organised by the International Drivers' Behaviour Research Association, Amsterdam, September 13-15, 1986, p. 307-309

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