Possibility of use a saliva for determination ethanol and opiates.

Piekoszewski, W. Gubala, W. Janowska, E. Pach, J. & Zuba, D.

The research was aimed at verification of possibility to use saliva for ethanol and main opiates (morphine and codeine) determination as exact equivalent of blood samples. For the measurement of alcohol the headspace gas chromatography was used and for opiate alkaloids the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was applied. The headspace GC method applied for ethanol determination in saliva was specific (resolution>1), shows good accuracy (recovery = 100.7%) and precision (SD = 0.0155 g/l). Saliva and blood samples were collected from forty-nine volunteers and over 700 values of ethanol concentration were obtained. The morphine and codeine concentrations were measured in serum and saliva collected from thirty-seven patients with a history of intravenous opiates use. (Author/publisher) For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD Abstract No. E201067.

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C 28080 (In: C 28028) /83 / ITRD E211181 (also at CD-ROM C 27890/C27945/C28028)

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety : proceedings of the 16th ICADTS International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety T'2002, Montreal, Canada, August 4-9, 2002, Volume 3, p. 1145-1149, 4 ref.

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