Potential crash reduction for identification of hazardous locations.

Tarko, A.P. Weiss, J.V. & Sinha, K.C.

Selecting individual highway facilities for an in-depth safety analysis and potential safety improvements is one of the key functions of any safety management program. As shown in this paper, the current methods may not ensure the maximum crash reduction - the objective of the safety program. This paper proposes a new method that overcomes the weakness of the current methods. In the proposed method, potential crash reduction is used as a criterion to rank locations. The paper describes estimation of the overall and minimum crash rates. The proposed method promotes selection of sites where the potential for safety improvement is high. The paper presents an example application of the method. (A)

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In: Traffic congestion and traffic safety in the 21st century : challenges, innovations, and opportunities : proceedings of the conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 8-11, 1997, p. 208-214, 7 ref.

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