The potential for integration between urban traffic control and public transport systems.

Burton, R.S.

This paper identifies the opportunities for the integration of traffic control and public transport systems, particularly when applied to urban areas. There is an increasing need for effective integration between ATT systems specifically for UTC or for the management of public transport services, in order to maximise reductions in economic and environmental impacts associated with transport. The different levels of integration are defined and the benefits and possible limitations to achieving integration described. An indication is given of the interfaces required to achieve integration, and of the data flows and functional architecture for these interfaces. Brief details are provided of the systems architecture of systems in London, Southampton, Turin and Gothenburg. Simulations of the Gothenburg system are presented and indicate that delays could be reduced by between 7.9% and 20%.

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C 10258 (In: C 9906 f [electronic version only]) /73 / IRRD 868968

In: "Towards an intelligent transport system" : proceedings of the first world congress on applications of transport telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems IVHS, Palais de Congrès de Paris, France, 30 November - 3 December 1994, Volume 6, p. 2836-2841, 4 ref.

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