The power of partnerships

Hombsch, M. Humphreys, D.

This paper will examine the incredible power of positive partnerships and the valuable road safety outcomes that can be achieved at a community level by working in this way. Two local road safety initiatives will highlight the vital processes involved and illustrate the importance of a strategic approach to the development of local road safety campaigns. The Tamworth Road Safety Committee, made up of key stakeholders, community members and the media, was established to bring a community flavour and innovative approach to road safety issues through the development of campaigns featuring local identities and familiar environments. This partnership has seen the development of local campaigns, "Speed and It'll Cost you", a youth speed campaign designed to support a sustained reduction in young driver speeding behaviour and "Buckle Up Every Time", a local seatbelt initiative designed to improve the seatbelt wearing rates amongst local residents. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210298.

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C 29209 (In: C 29121 CD-ROM) /10 /73 / ITRD E210466

In: Proceedings of the 2003 Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2003, Sydney, Australia, 24-26 September 2003, Pp

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