Powered two wheeler user casualties in Greater London.

Cowland, S.

This fact sheet looks into the scale and nature of road traffic collisions resulting in injury to powered two wheeler (P2W) users (riders and passengers) in the Greater London area. It gives an overview of such collisions for the period 1986 to 2005, and then looks in detail at the profile of the casualties and factors relating to the collisions that occurred in 2005 (the latest year for which finalised data is available). It provides background information to support the Government and Mayor of London’s targets to reduce road casualties by the year 2010. The target in London for P2W casualties is a 40% reduction in those killed or seriously injured (KSI) by 2010 from a baseline of the average number of casualties for 1994-98. The data provided is for personal injury road traffic collisions that occurred on the public highway and were reported to the police in accordance with the Stats 19 national reporting system. Prior to 1999 Stats 19 categorised P2W vehicles as mopeds, motor scooters and motor cycles. From January 1999 the P2W categories were changed to mopeds, motorcycles up to and including 125cc and motorcycles over 125cc. A further change took place from January 2005, whereby the P2W categories became motorcycle 50cc and under, motorcycle over 50cc and up to 125cc, motorcycle over 125cc and up to 500cc and motorcycle over 500cc. (Author/publisher)

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C 39413 [electronic version only]

London, Transport for London TfL, 2007, 25 p., 4 ref.; Fact Sheet LAAU topic 2007-1

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