Practical approach for solving school bus problems.

Tsay, H.-S. & Fricker, J.D.

Most of the numerous studies of school bus routing seem to possess two basic characteristics: ever-increasing sophistication of computer-based routing algorithms and neglect of the service side of the problem. While reducing the total cost of providing transportation services to students is important, so are such elements as student walking distance and bus load factors. In this paper a multi-objective view of a school bus problem is formulated, and a three-stage simplified solution process is outlined and demonstrated. The advantages of using goal programming to solve this multi-objective problem are discussed. Then, a comparison of the proposed algorithm with the previously developed approaches is presented. Finally, a case study of 21 bus stops covering 270 student homes and 5 buses available is discussed in terms of the proposed solution.

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C 16523 (In: C 16516 S) /72 / IRRD 828141

In: Transit issues and recent advances in planning and operations techniques : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1202, p. 44-56, 29 ref.

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