Practical operational experience with an automatic tolling system in Europe.

Rotondo, M. & Battiboia, S.

With reference to the development of Dynamic Toll Collection Systems at European level, based on the short range communication link technology, the main toll motorway operator associations (ASFA for France, ASETA for Spain and AISCAT for Italy) agreed upon the need for expressing their point of view, by issuing a bulky document at the end of the year 1990, called VITA (Vehicle Information and Transaction Aid). This document refers to the results of the SMILER project and of the main practical activities carried on by each one of them, and allows the definition of the technical and functional characteristics of these systems for the motorway application. The Electronic Fee Collection developed in Italy and called TELEPASS, put in operation in Spring 1990 on the Milano-Laghi motorway, has adopted the parameter values contained in the above mentioned documents.

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C 13940 (In: C 13302 CD-ROM) /73 / IRRD 492467

In: Mobility for everybody : proceedings of the fourth world congress on Intelligent Transport Systems ITS, Berlin, 21-24 October 1997, Paper No. 4192, 7 p.

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