Practices for utility coordination in transit projects.

Quiroga, C. Kraus, E. & Cochran, L.

This synthesis summarizes utility coordination practices at transit agencies around the country. It focuses on utility coordination issues that transit agencies undertake during typical phases of project development and delivery, which involve planning, designing, and constructing civil infrastructure facilities. It is intended for transit agency staff and utility stakeholders. Although utility issues in highway construction have been documented in recent initiatives, very little exists for documenting transit projects. Most utility relocation appears to be associated with rail and streetcar projects, and very rarely, bus projects. The topic panel and consultant chose to work closely with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) to extract information about general trends around the country as reported here and to identify the potential agencies with whom to conduct more detailed interviews. A literature review and detailed survey responses from eight of ten transit agencies interviewed for detailed case examples, yielding a response rate of 80%, are provided. These case examples offer specific details on project management, engineering challenges, and conflicts and resolution. (Author/publisher)


20150790 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB / National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 56 p., 48 ref.; Transit Cooperative Research Program TCRP ; Synthesis of Transit Practice ; 118 / Project J­7, Topic SG­13 - ISSN 1073-4880 / ISBN 978­0­309­27181-3

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