Praktijkproef beïnvloeding verkeerslichten door het openbaar vervoer.

Sambler, W.

It is already known that in many cases an improvement in the flow of public transport can be obtained with vehicle actuated traffic signals. At a junction, however, at which buses and trams come from both sides and have to cross each other's track, advantage for the one can mean disadvantage for the other. One can go through, while the other has to wait, in spite of the actuated traffic signals.this article shows that still time savings for public transport vehicles could be gained at such junctions.

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B 18105 T [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 253214

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 32 (1981), No. 1 (januari), p. 18-20, 2 fig., 2 tab.

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