Praktijkstudie naar emoties in het verkeer : vragenlijststudie naar kenmerken zoals frequentie, aanleiding en gevolgen voor de veiligheid.

Levelt, P.B.M.

Now and again, traffic behaviour takes on an impulsive character; then we are in the field of emotions. This study forms part of a series of SWOV studies about emotions in traffic. In these, the question is if and how emotions influence traffic behaviour, and thus road safety. In this study, a search is made for an answer to the question of how often emotions in traffic occur in road users with different modes of transport; per journey and time on the road. The role of other people as cause of emotions, or as 'object' that emotions are aimed at, was also studied. Furthermore, a study was made of where the cause lies, and how road users estimate the strength of emotions. Finally, if they judge the consequences of them as safe or unsafe. Use was made of the ‘diary method’, in which 269 respondents of 20-60 years old (as many men as women) noted, after every journey for more than a week, the characteristics of the journey and any emotions they experienced during them. They had to choose from 29 descriptions of emotions, that were clustered in 6 emotion types: joy, affection (among others, love, care, and sexual arousal), surprise, anger, sadness, and fear. In addition, they wrote down several other features of the emotion. (Author/publisher) This


C 26355 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E206760

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2003, 78 p., 24 ref.; R-2003-8


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